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Monday, July 2, 2012

Mass Effect 3

Warning:This review is rated M for Mature, as in for 18 and over. I suggest you turn back and check out other reviews on the sight. Oh, and reader discretion is advised.

Mass Effect 3 was released on March 6th 2012 in North Amercia for Xbox 360, Microsoft Windows, and the PlayStation 3. It will also release for the Wii U, but that date has no confirmed date.

Mass Effect 3 starts off where Mass Effect 2 left off, going to fight the reapers and win the war. This game is the final game in the series to star Commander Shepard and includes a new Multiplayer mode.

So is this one hell of a fight to remember or is it a horrible ending.

Lets Find out!

Like I said, the story is left off from Mass Effect 2 (won't spoil it). You are basically sent into containment by the Humans Alliance until the Reapers come in to kill all species of the Galaxy. That is when you are set free to go, and save the galaxy with your squad mates and well every single army in the universe.

Unfortunately, the game has a bad reputation, a horrible ending which( I wont spoil it for you, but if you are curious just type in Mass Effect 3 ending in Google. I'm sure you will find something.

To begin you can create your own custom character made with the scales at your disposal. You can just play as Shepard or you can play as a blonde shepard, or Femshep (Female Shepard), or many other styles.

The game roles around a choice wheel, as most Bioware games do. This allows you to choose which way you want to approach the problem. Usually the top part is the Paragon option (Good option) and the bottom is the Renegade option (Bad Option).

Besides that, the third person shooter part is good. You use the cover system a lot and well you need cover when you play this game. You have a selection of 5 diffrent weapons including, Assault Rifles, Sniper Rifles, Shotguns, Pistols, and Submachine Guns. Each diffrent weapons has diffrent stats and can be used efficiently in combat.
Shepard taking on a Atlas, a type of enemy you face in Multiplayer
when you face Cerberus.

There are also abilities which are divided into three categories. Basic like grenades, concussive shot, and adrenaline. Tech abilities like Sabotage, Incinerate, and Cryo. Biotic which includes Slam, Throw, and Lift. There are still a lot more abilities after that.

The reason I am revewing the Xbox version is because it has Kinect Functionality. This allows you to open doors inciate cutscenes, talk through cutscenes, use your allies abilities and that is about it. The Kinect can surprisengly hear what you say and I found that it was a little slow with the moves or it just didnt do it at all.
Very futuristic, and I find dark. Well you are in space and space has barely any light. Ya well there is not much to say expect that the diffrent atmospheres in the game, the fact that you get to go to diffrent planents and see the eco system they have is just cool.

The music of course, is just a lot of Sci-fi and a whole lot of sad songs. Sad songs I say because of the story. The sad songs are ment for the story because of the reapers invading. These songs were composed by Clint Mansell, together with Christopher Lennertz, Cris Velasco, Sam Hulick and Sasha Dikicyan.

Mulitplayer is a series first for the Mass Effect series, bringing in a 4 player co-op experience. I wont go into full details, but I shall give you the jist. You choose your choice of 6 classes, you then choose which map you want to play on, what enemy you want to fight, and what diffuclty you want. (Bronze to Gold). You then help your team threw 11 waves of enemies that are almost somewhat of a nusience.

Recently, they have added FREE DLC to the multiplayer, which includes new characters, weapons, maps, and many more.

Unfortunitly, the multiplayer does get stale and old pretty fast. So bascially to keep it new, try and play at least 5 games or so, then play something else.

Final Verdict:
This game is pretty awsome, sure it is a little bland but this game you get to make the big decisions. the Story mark is not going down by the ending by the way. I found nothing wrong with it and just accepted it. The community did give good theroies and I commend them for their creativity.

Story:--------------- 8.0
Gameplay:---------- 7.0
Artstyle:------------ 7.0
Music:-------------- 8.0
Multiplayer:--------- 6.0

Final Verdict: 9.1

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