Wii Xbox360 3DS

Tuesday, November 27, 2012

Assassin's Creed III

Warning:This review is rated M for Mature, as in for 18 and over. I suggest you turn back and check out other reviews on the sight. Oh, and reader discretion is advised.
Assassin's Creed III is the Fifth instalment in the game series(not counting the portable systems) which was released on October 30th, 2012 on PS3 and Xbox 360 at North America, all other continents on Halloween.

PC Amercian's will get it on November 20, 2012 while everywhere else will get it on the 23rd.

The new Wii U will have the same consequences releasing here in North America on November 18th, and worldwide on November 30th.

Assassin's Creed III starts with Ratonhnhaké:ton (pronounced "Ra-doon-ha-gay-doon") or Connor for short. This time, the game starts of in the Amercian Revolution, meeting historic figures like George Washington, Benjemian Franklin, the other founding fathers, and commanders like Charles Lee. Connor is also equipped with new combat and new animations.

So is this an assassin to remember, or is this a story to be forgotten for good.

Lets Find Out!

The Assassin's Creed story is very famous for its story. The game starts you off as the father of Conner Kenway,  Haythem Kenway. Over in jolly good Britain, at a theatre. You assassinate a target, and then you are sent of to the colinies of North America. You spend a bit of time on a boat. Then you end up in Boston.

To sum up, you dont get to play as Conner, robes and all till Sequence 6. That was a little disapoting BUT, the story is still quite great. The story is very well delivered and using the 5 sequences to deliver the story to make sense for the player.

The Gameplay is diffently improved. First thing you notice is the control's are diffrent. Where to free-run, all you have to do is hold the Right trigger button. The free running has also improved by climbing in tree branches and rock climbing.

Another change in the control's is the counter. You just can't spam it anymore, you have to hit the B or O button. Then the type of kill you make is dependent on the following buttons:

A or X: allows you to disarm the enemy.
X or Square: allows you to kill the enemy with your melle weapon like sword or tomahawk,
Y or Triangle: allows you to kill the enemy with a ranged weapon like a flintock pistol or rope dart.
B or O: Allows you to throw the enemy to other people.

Also, the amount of enemies is VASTLY INCREASED!!. Serousily, this is a major challenge. Enemies come in batlions of 10 and more just happen to come by. Plus the cheap enemies have made a return. Cant counter, cant grab, cant use melee weapons. The only thing that you can use is ranged weapons, and that takes two hits to kill them.

Naval battles are a new addition to the game and in my opnion is a really neat addition. You have to wacth the winds and keep a constant eye out for ships. You can swicth to half sail for more sterring control and full sail which gives more speed but less sterring abilitiy.

Hunting is a big part in this game, in the frontier you just run into these wild animals like dear, elk, rabbits, and foxes, and yes you can sky assisnate a bunny. You may also run into a few predators which automatcially attack you, like packs of Wolf's, bears, and mountion lions. You can sell your loot for money at local shops.

This is mainly the main source for money, unless you like to loot chests around the area's of the game. Plus, you dont get rich anymore by completing missions.

The AI is the same as they were but now they have guns. They can shoot at you, oh no what do you do. You press A and take a person and use them as a human shield.

Just grabes a enemy and use them to deflect Musket Balls.
Multiplayer is also back with a few new perks, a new game mode and also new characters.

Domination is the new game mode, it resembles King of the Hill as a game. Capturing points till the player's team gets the most points. Also while defending the points from enemies.

Some of the new perks include seable invisiblity, invincibilty from ranged weapons for a short time, and poison darts. If you thought Poision darts were annoying, just wait for these.

Art style:
The new engine called AnvilNext is what runs this game and it makes it look awesome. The graphics look a lot more amazing and the surroundings realistic. The engine now allows about 2000 NPCs to be on the screen at once, making the battlefield's much more realistic. Weather systems also are a new addition, and in winter an annoying one.

The graphics are very smooth and speaking about smooth. The character controlls quite the smooth charcter. The movement animations are very, detailed. Conner has more than 5000 animations alone, that is making him really smooth.

The Music is very great composed by Lorne Balfe, the side artist of most songs from movies and games like The Dark Knight Rises, the Assassin's Creed Brotherhood trailer, and Battlefield 2.

The music sounds great, it has diffrent tones to it, some dark, which represents Conner's life. Others wild, to represents the Frontier. Also others acton packed, for the free running and running from legions of enemies.

Final Verdict:
To sum up, Assassin's Creed III is a great purchase. The game comes content pack with a great story, and a multiplayer.
Unfortunatly, in my opinion the game I hate the fact the game is splitted into two diffrent discs. Sure it gives it more room for story and multiplayer. But it was just convient, and easy. "You want to play Multiplayer, well go and insert Disc 2."
But besides that, the games has an interesting flow of gameplay, a great multiplayer, and a lovely story.
Overall Score: 9.5

Thursday, September 6, 2012

Soulcalibur V

Soulcaliber V is the 6th instalment in the series, and includes a all new range of characters and some new one's.

The game includes an improved customiztion mode, new stages, music and other functions.

So would you glady accept this challenge worth buying, or shall you die.

Lets Find Out!

The game starts off with the son of the character Sophia from the previous Soulcalibur called Patroklos. He is on a quest to find his lost sister from the malfested.

Unfortunatly, the story is very bland and the ending in my opnion is very bad, What is even worse is the Arcade mode. This in the old game told the individual stories of the character's. When you finish the Arcade mode, you just end up with a score. No story, no nothing.

The gameplay is once again what you expect from the Soulcalibur series. Two players fight with ridiclous combos and unusal moves. That is no diffrent here, the moves are upgraded and a few new moves like quick step.

Another new addition is Critical Edge, where the players fill up there Soul Gauge so they may use the move. It is like the Critical Finish, but not a one hit KO (Except Nightmare's).

Now let's talk about the customization mode. This mode allows you to edit normal characters or to make new characters. This system was vastly upgraded, compared to its Predecor. This not oly allows you to make new characters but also but stickers, and detailing on some equipment.

The artstyle of the game is bascially the same graphics from SoulCalibur IV but with a little more colour I find. The artstyle takes a turn n the story mode with mostly all of its cutscenes with ink drawn pages. Just like Sonic and the Secret Rings.

The music is composed by Junichi Nakatsuru, Hiroki Kiuta, Inon Zur, Cris Velasco, Jesper Kyd, Andrew Aversa, and Tomoki Miyoshi. The cmposers really did a good job on making the game sound great. The game is filled with epic, crazy, and dark songs to play while fighting.

The Multiplayer is vastly upgraded since SoulCaliber IV. The multiplayer functions include Rivels, which you can track 4 of your friends or "rivals" online. They also add Global Collesso, this is bascially main locations in the world and have giant servers on them where you can compete in tournaments or just have random battles.

The new feature which I found really exciting is the new lobby system, which allows you to chat, watch the macth and see who you might be facing.

Here is a example of the lobby system.

Final Verdict:
Soul Calibur V is on of those games which I can't say much about. You need your own opinion for this game because the two things I like are equal. A Positive and a Negative. The upgraded multiplayer functions are a bonus, but because of the single player content the score fo the game is lacking. Overall, I find the game good at least. If you were a fan of the Soul franchise, try it out.

Score: 6.8

P.S: To all who read this blog. (if there are any) Unfortunatly, this review was a little late I realize, so I opoligize. Second, since I am going into studie at College, there wil be less time for reviewing and more time studying. Final note, the reviews are going to be on the odd ocasion and not two per month.

So I opoligize once more, and give me some games to review, leave the names of them in the comments and I shall get to them.

P.S.S: Since Assassin's Creed 3 is probably one of my anticapated games of all time. I will be reviewing it before Christmas. That is a promise!

Wednesday, August 1, 2012

Super Mario 3D Land

Super Mario 3D Land was released in Japan on November 3rd, America on November 13th, Europe on November 18th, and Australia on November 24th 2011.

Mario is once again, on another adventure to save Princess Peach from Bowser. The game combines elements of 2D platformes of the past and the 3D adventure you found from Super Mario Galaxy. Mario also has some more tools for his adventure and the ability of 3D.

So is this 3D mario adventure fun for the whole family, or is it just a a block of bricks?

Lets Find Out!

Really, are you asking me a story to a Super Mario game? Ah well, there isn't much there. A tree which contained leaves, which are actually super leaves are blown away by a thunder storm. In reality though, it is Bowsers plot to give his minions new abilities, and mario findes out the princess is captured by Bowser again. Thats all I can give you!

The gameplay is well made, with elements from the Super Mario Galaxy game. The game has good control and is best enjoyed with the 3D activated to solve some puzzles and just for more of the experience.

Mario this time has a few new power-ups in this game. The Tanooki suit makes a return, allowing Mario to glide over all the enemies and get to the flag. He can also spin his tail to attack goomba's and what not.
Mario in his Boomaring Suit
The boomaring flower allows, when picked up, to throw boomarings attacking enemies from a distence.

The propeller block makes a return from New Super Mario Bros Wii allowing Mario to fly up, then slowly glide down.

Other power ups are the Ice flower, Fire flower, the ever classic Star, and the iconic mushroom.
All you have to do is traverse through the obsticle course filled with death traps, monsters and many other condrems in about 299 seconds. Have Fun!

Starcoins also make a return as in later in the game, they are really needed.

The game also uses the Streetpass feature to give you extra puzzlez, and help with item houses. You may also compare times with your friends on your friend list.

Mario games have always been very cartonish, and this game is no exception. The style is inspired by the Nintendo 64 game Super Mario with its many world scnearios. This game for a portable system has pretty good graphics and hopefully, will never get old.

The music is once again, very well done. The enviroments the music is in ar just perfect and fit the Mario series well.

Final Verdict:
This game is pretty loads of fun. The game is greatly controled, great music, and also great artstlye. So load up a level and have fun.

Story---------------- 6.0
Gameplay---------- 8.0
Artstyle------------ 7.0
Music-------------- 7.0

Final Verdict: 7.5

Sonic and the Secret Rings

Sonic and the Secret Rings was released on February 20th, 2007 in North America, March 2nd in Europe, and March 15th in Japan. This game marked the beggining of the storybook series, made by SEGA only for the Wii.

The game was one of the many games that came out on the Wii near its release, which ment that the games usually stunk. This game had a new story which takes place in the storis of the Arabian Knights, new characters like genie's and princes, and they only had Sonic as the actual character.

So does this game save the Arabian stories, or will they burn to ashes.

Lets Find Out!

The game starts Sonic off sleeping on his couch, when he is woken by Shara, genie of the ring.(I know it sounds really weird.) Anyway, Shara informs him about the storis of the Arabian Knights are burning by the evil Erazor Jinn. So normally, Sonic goes to helpShara to bring down Erazor Jinn and save the pages of stories. Other Sonic characters make apperances like Dr.Eggman plays the role of King Shahryar and Tails as Ali Baba

The gameplay I find is a little stiff. To move you tilt the Wii remote left and right to move, well left and right. That works just fine and dandy but the problem is backing up. You have to turn the wii remote backwards. So I find it is just a nusence to back up and get things you missed.

The controls are also sometimes unresponsive like when trying to do a homing attack. You have to thrust the wii remote in any direction, this can be confused with the going backwards movement and everything.

The game also includes a EXP system where each level and chapter completed, you earn a new skill. There is also two features in this game you get later on.

One is called Speed Break, which makes you invincble and move at incredbly fast speeds. The other is Time Break, Which slows down time to provide more of a chance to attack enemies. This of course is controled by the Soul Gauge. You get souls to fill it up by defeating enemies, or just runnunig into them.
Sonic doing a homing attack, while collecting Souls

The artstyle is very interesting with there new approach to make the storybook series. The cutscenes were handdrawn on parchament paper to make the cutscenes, which in my case is really impressive.

The game also shows many difrent variety to levels, including Jungles, Deserts, Oceans, and floating islands. The graphics were really inspired by the stories of the Arabian Nights and you can see that.

the game is composed byKenichi Tokoi, Fumie Kumatani, Seirou Okamoto and Hideaki Kobayashi of Wave Master; Steve Conte and Runblebee performed the vocal tracks.

The game combines good tracks, combining rock themed songs and placed with a twist of Middle Eastern music. The game would also never be complete without some familiar sonic sounds.

Surprisengly, there is a multiplayer to this game and it is Party Mode. This mode contains 40 diffrent party games. It is just a little cheap gimmick to have more replay value. You can play the game with either the Wii Remote's or Gamecube controllers, one problem. The first player is forced to use the Wii remote.

Final Verdict:
The verdict for this game is easy to decided. This Sonic game is one of the early bunch. The game's that did not use the Wii's Upgrades. Because of its quality of control, its diffuculty goes with it.
Story:------------ 5.0
Gameplay:------ 4.0
Artstyle:--------- 6.0
Music:----------- 7.0
Multiplayer:---- 4.0

Final Verdict: 5.5

Monday, July 2, 2012

Assassins Creed: Brotherhood

Warning:This review is rated M for Mature, as in for 18 and over. I suggest you turn back and check out other reviews on the sight. Oh, and reader discretion is advised.

Assassins Creed Brotherhood is the third game in the series. The game was released on the Xbox in North Amercia on November 16 2010, Australia on November 18 2010, Europe on November 19 2010, and in Japan on December 9, 2010.

The game left off where Assassins Creed 2 left off. Assassin Ezio Auditore Da Firenze continues his journey in Rome after the major attack on his Villa in Montergionni.

The game was also the first to start the Assassins Creed Multiplayer online.

So is this the true Assassin at his peak or is it just the lost Add-on for Assassins Creed 2?

Lets Find Out!

The story starts off from exactly where AC 2 left off. I am not going to spoil it for people who haven't played the game. Sum up, Desmond, he travels to the damaged Montergionni and hides from the Templar's in the sanctuary and goes into the Animus.

As for Ezio, he goes to Montergionni to relax and enjoy his health, thinking his battle's are done. Unfortunately, the next morning they are invaded by the Borgia's forces leading the army is Rodrigo Borgia.

Ezio quickly jumps into action, but gets injured in the fight and has to flee. He rides to Rome to confront Rodrigo, and cause a revolution.

The story is once again, perfect and enjoyable. All thought compared to Assassins Creed 2 it is short and with a professional gamer, the game can be completed in a matter of hours.

Ezio calling down his Recuit Assassins.
The gameplay is pratecly the same with the exception of diffrent combat techniques. Now in combat you can use the quick kill, linking kill by kill to finish off the enemy, faster than before.
Since Ezio is a leader of the Assassins, you can recuits Apprentices which you can call anytime to help you in combat, (Like you need it).

There is also a new feature called Arrow Storm. This is unlocked by recuiting 6 Assassins. This allows you to call all of your Assassins to fire arrows at your opponents. Killing all of them in a matter of seconds.

The game is rather easy from what I said, with this new linking system. They just made it easier.

The artstyle of Assassins Creed is just like the previous, great and very renisance. Just the beauty of Rome and the fact that Rome was the peak of the Renesiance, it is just beautifal.

Jesper Kyed makes a return with music like "City of Rome," and other tracks. They really capture the essience of the Renesiance, very dark and mysterious ,just like a shadow creeping in the dark.

The multiplayer is a very unique twist and was not really that god with the amount of cheapness that the game had. The Multiplayer was still a experiment, and was a sucess to many. There are only a few modes you can play and you only level up to 50. They added new DLC eventually which only included new maps. The last DLc had almost everything which included characters, a map, and the story mission Da Vinci's Dissaperence. 
Final Verdict:
For one the game is good, nut just to easy and feels lke a add-on rather than a full game. The only thing that made this a game is the Multiplayer. If that were removed it is just a add-on to AC 2.

Story:----------- 7.0

Final Verdict: 8.6

Mass Effect 3

Warning:This review is rated M for Mature, as in for 18 and over. I suggest you turn back and check out other reviews on the sight. Oh, and reader discretion is advised.

Mass Effect 3 was released on March 6th 2012 in North Amercia for Xbox 360, Microsoft Windows, and the PlayStation 3. It will also release for the Wii U, but that date has no confirmed date.

Mass Effect 3 starts off where Mass Effect 2 left off, going to fight the reapers and win the war. This game is the final game in the series to star Commander Shepard and includes a new Multiplayer mode.

So is this one hell of a fight to remember or is it a horrible ending.

Lets Find out!

Like I said, the story is left off from Mass Effect 2 (won't spoil it). You are basically sent into containment by the Humans Alliance until the Reapers come in to kill all species of the Galaxy. That is when you are set free to go, and save the galaxy with your squad mates and well every single army in the universe.

Unfortunately, the game has a bad reputation, a horrible ending which( I wont spoil it for you, but if you are curious just type in Mass Effect 3 ending in Google. I'm sure you will find something.

To begin you can create your own custom character made with the scales at your disposal. You can just play as Shepard or you can play as a blonde shepard, or Femshep (Female Shepard), or many other styles.

The game roles around a choice wheel, as most Bioware games do. This allows you to choose which way you want to approach the problem. Usually the top part is the Paragon option (Good option) and the bottom is the Renegade option (Bad Option).

Besides that, the third person shooter part is good. You use the cover system a lot and well you need cover when you play this game. You have a selection of 5 diffrent weapons including, Assault Rifles, Sniper Rifles, Shotguns, Pistols, and Submachine Guns. Each diffrent weapons has diffrent stats and can be used efficiently in combat.
Shepard taking on a Atlas, a type of enemy you face in Multiplayer
when you face Cerberus.

There are also abilities which are divided into three categories. Basic like grenades, concussive shot, and adrenaline. Tech abilities like Sabotage, Incinerate, and Cryo. Biotic which includes Slam, Throw, and Lift. There are still a lot more abilities after that.

The reason I am revewing the Xbox version is because it has Kinect Functionality. This allows you to open doors inciate cutscenes, talk through cutscenes, use your allies abilities and that is about it. The Kinect can surprisengly hear what you say and I found that it was a little slow with the moves or it just didnt do it at all.
Very futuristic, and I find dark. Well you are in space and space has barely any light. Ya well there is not much to say expect that the diffrent atmospheres in the game, the fact that you get to go to diffrent planents and see the eco system they have is just cool.

The music of course, is just a lot of Sci-fi and a whole lot of sad songs. Sad songs I say because of the story. The sad songs are ment for the story because of the reapers invading. These songs were composed by Clint Mansell, together with Christopher Lennertz, Cris Velasco, Sam Hulick and Sasha Dikicyan.

Mulitplayer is a series first for the Mass Effect series, bringing in a 4 player co-op experience. I wont go into full details, but I shall give you the jist. You choose your choice of 6 classes, you then choose which map you want to play on, what enemy you want to fight, and what diffuclty you want. (Bronze to Gold). You then help your team threw 11 waves of enemies that are almost somewhat of a nusience.

Recently, they have added FREE DLC to the multiplayer, which includes new characters, weapons, maps, and many more.

Unfortunitly, the multiplayer does get stale and old pretty fast. So bascially to keep it new, try and play at least 5 games or so, then play something else.

Final Verdict:
This game is pretty awsome, sure it is a little bland but this game you get to make the big decisions. the Story mark is not going down by the ending by the way. I found nothing wrong with it and just accepted it. The community did give good theroies and I commend them for their creativity.

Story:--------------- 8.0
Gameplay:---------- 7.0
Artstyle:------------ 7.0
Music:-------------- 8.0
Multiplayer:--------- 6.0

Final Verdict: 9.1

Wednesday, June 6, 2012

Mario Kart Wii

Mario Kart Wii was released in Japan on April 10 2008, Europe on April 19, Australia on April 24, North Amercia on April 27, and a year later released in South Korea on the 30th of April.

This game utilizes a steering wheel add-on for its gameplay and was it main campaign to market the game to users.

The game is filled with many variations of levels, motorcycles and includes an online mode which you can race up to 16 people.

So has this game run out of gas, or has it used a golden mushroom at the last moment to cross the finish line?

Lets Find out!

You may be wondering why we went to gameplay first. Well its because there is no story to the Mario Kart Franchise, and well its mostly about the other features.

The game is boxed with the accessory called the Wii Wheel, a basic steering wheel where you stick the Wii remote in it and then you can steer your self to victory.

So the gameplay is simple for a racing game, A to Accelerate and B to Break. The game with Kart's also includes Motorcycles, which kinda ruin the title "Mario Kart". With the Motorcycles, they can boost at any time by lifting up the controller which can get you out of any tight situations.

There are a great selection of Karts and Motorcycles and many different characters to choose from. There are also many different Mario Kart weapons like shells, banana's and the dreaded Blue Shell. So with all these items, you can easily go from first place to last in a second. As some people say, it all depends on luck to make to finish a race.

The game includes 8 cups, each with 4 maps in the cups, 4 cups are new maps made especially for the Wii and 4 are for classic maps from the SNES, N64, GBA, and the Gamecube.

The artstyle is as always nice. Good amount of cartoonish detail, and the classic maps are just good looking.

The music was composed by Asuka Ota and Ryo Nagamatsu, which they used same melodies from other Mario games and also created new ones. In total the game has over 43 total songs in the game itself. Sounds can also be heard in the Wii remote speaker, when you crash into things or when a projectile is headed right for you.

The multiplayer is the main part of Mario Kart Wii. With using the Nintendo Wifi-Connection up to 12 player can join in a race online with friends, people in their region or just anyone around the world. The game is enjoyable, until a hacker goes into the game with their unlimited items. Good thing Nintendo is working hard to ban these people of the servers.

Final Verdict:
To conclude, Mario Kart Wii is a good game compared to Brawl's online it was one of the better titles in the Mario Kart Franchise. But that really changed when Mario Kart 3DS came on to the scene.

Gameplay----- 8.0
Artstyle------- 7.0
Music--------- 6.0
Multiplayer---- 9.0

Final Verdict: 8.5

Friday, June 1, 2012

Starfox Adventures

Starfox Adventures was released in North America on September 23 2002, Japan on September 27 2002, Australia on November 15 2002, and in Europe on November 22 2002.

Starfox was one of Rare's last titles before it became a first party developer for Microsoft.. This game was criticised for its Zelda like gameplay instead of the shooter like in previous installments. Some say it was its strong suit, others say that is what dragged this game down the trash hole.

So is this game that killed Starfox or is it a unappreciated treasure?

Lets Find Out!

The story begins with the blue fox named Krystal, one of the "Princess" characters. So you play as her for a little bit, she drops her staff, and then you get to the real action. You are Fox, in the Arwing shooting asteroids, collecting power-ups and we all just love it.

Then you go on the planet and find out the real gameplay. But to continue, fox finds Krystal's staff and he then uses it to fight the sharptooth clan and other types of enemies.

Eventually, Fox discovers he needs to find the Spell stones and place them in the temples on the shattered pieces of Dinosaur Planet. At the same time, he must also find the 7 Krazoa Spirits to free Krystal.

Like I said the gameplay is a big letdown, where you are shooting with the Arwing and then you land on the planet. Unfortunately you cant use a gun, as General Pepper says "Were trying to save the planet not blow it up".

Then you find the staff, and it feels a lot like Ocarina of Time. Well truth is, it is like it. Rare was actually using the same engine that Ocarina of Time used, and the game was suppose to be on the Nintendo 64. Fun fact, the game wasn't even suppose to star the Starfox crew, the game was actually called Dinosaur Planet and the main character's name was Sabre.

When the game was in production, Nintendo realized that Sabre was almost Identical to Fox, so they made a Starfox game out of it.

Its art-style is not great but good for the GameCube reputation. At the time the graphics were considered good and were praised for it. Not much to say in my opinion, I found the frame rate was smooth and the character's were well modelled.

The music was composed by David Wise. The music was comforting and slow, perfect for this game. The music also gets intense when facing a boss or enemies so the soundtrack was good.

Final Verdict:
The final Verdict for this game is for me eh... Why you may ask, well for one this game was basically a experiment for Nintendo, and well for some people it was praised for it game-play, and some say it was just to far away for the game.

There was just this one part in the story which really ticked me off.

There is a area in the game called the Lightfoot village, you have to do two challenges to move on in the game, one is just a collect the flags mission, while the other one is a rapid fire mission of your button for your life. I had to try 50 times and call my friend which was a rapid fire master. He beat it, but after 10 try's first.

So this game ruined Star-fox, but we then got Star-fox Assault.

Story---------------- 6.5
Game-play---------- 7.5
Artstyle------------- 5.5
Music-------------- 5.5

Final Verdict: 5.5

Friday, May 11, 2012

Kirby's Epic Yarn

Kirby's Epic Yarn made it debut on October 14 in Japan, October 17 in North America February 24,2011 in Australia and February 25,2011 in Europe.

When I saw this at E3 2010. I was personally thinking to my self. What the heck is so epic about Yarn.

(Well type it in google, you find something). But I got my self to buy it and surprisingly it is really good. It seems that a side-scrolling game and yarn make a pretty good combo.

So is a game+yarn=great game or do we have to cut some loose threads?

Lets Find Out!

The story is narrated by Sinan Kubba in a kinda childish way. But the story begins in the land of Dreamland, where Kirby is getting a snack to feed his bottomless pit. But as Kirby is about to eat the Tomato he found, the evil wizard Yin Yarn comes out and reveals that the tomato is actually a Momato(whatever that is). This in turn banishes him to Pacth Land  where he meets Prince Fluff. Kirby then ventures of with Prince Fluff, to sticth the world of Pacth Land together.

The gameplay is rather smooth and natural. You basically move with the control pad on the Wii remote and to attack use the 2 button. The difficulty is also practically noting, heck there is no difficulty since you can't die. Through out the level you collect beads, these beads give you your score. IF you die, you don't die, you just lose half of your beads.

Kirby can also transform into many different shapes and forms. Like a car for extra speed, a submarine for underwater travel, and many more.

This game also allows Co-op play where the second player plays as Prince Fluff which is everyway identical to Kirby.

The graphics is just breathtaking as in the yarn. As I read, the graphics are made up of digital photographic pictures of actual Yarn which were placed under Polygons. The developer wanted a real yarn look alike. Now that is pretty hard work.

It's Kirby. There is some good music within it. The composer's for the games soundtrack were Jun Ishikawa and Hirokazu Ando. Creating music that was light and happy. Also, songs that get stuck in your head for about 40 hours.

Final Verdict:
To Sum up, Kirby's Epic Yarn is one of those games were you think you might skip it because of how cute it is. But once you play it, you will love it.


Final Verdict:7.5/10

Wednesday, May 9, 2012

The Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time 3D

The Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time was released in November 21, 1998 on the Nintendo 64. It was acclaimed to be the best reviewed game and the best Videogame ever made. Though that may have changed with Call of Duty, and Halo.

This version of the game was made for the 3Ds and was released on June 19, 2011 with updated graphics and new features.

Is this the remake that got 3DS owners begging, or is it just a guilty pleasure to own.
Lets find out!

This is still the Ocarina of Time that we all remember. If you don't know the story, let me summarize it for you.

The story goes that Link the future hero of Hyrule is living in the Kokeri woods sleeping, the great Deku tree sends Navi to find Link and send him to the great Deku Tree. After Link receives the Medallion from the Great Deku Tree he travels to Hyrule Castle to find Princess Zelda and then he explores the land of Hyrule with Navi. The main villain, Ganondorf then is able to take the power from the Triforce and concurs the Land of Hyrule when Link retrieves the Master Sword from the Temple of Time. Seven years pass, then Link awakens from the Temple and then collects symbols of the six sages to the epic showdown with Ganondorf.

Whew, that's a mouth full.

The game play is the same as it wasin the game of old. A and B button for action and control stick to move.
The Ocarina uses the X,Y,A,L and R buttons instead of using the 4-C and A button on the Nintendo 64.

The touch screen is used to select your items, map, song list and clothing. This is a welcome edition because you can access the Iron boots right away for the dreadful Water Dungeon.

Other features once you beat the game are a Boss Battle mode and the legendary Master Quest.

The Graphics are upgraded in this version of the game. With new textures for the game, and characters. My question is why couldn't they do what Halo: Combat Evolved Anniversary did, which was to allow you to swicth between the graphic style's of the Nintendo 64's version and the new graphics.

The music was never fedeled with, that is a blessing where you can hear all the addicting tunes of the Zelda Universe. Like for example:

Korkri Woods:

In total the music is just fitting for every area.

Final Verdict:
To sum up, this game is pretty much Ocarinia of Time just upgraded graphic wise.
This game is one that:

"If you played Ocarinia of Time, you really don't need to get it."

Story............: 7/10
Gameplay.... : 7/10
Artstyle........: 8/10
Music..........:  9/10

Final Verdict: 8.1/10

Monday, April 30, 2012

Assassins Creed 2

Warning:This review is rated M for Mature, as in for 18 and over. I suggest you turn back and check out other reviews on the sight. Oh, and reader discretion is advised. 

Assassins Creed II was released in 2009 by Ubisoft. The game starts off right after Assassins Creed with Desmond, an assassin from the present day of 2012 during his escape of the Abstergo facility. After those minutes that fly by he enters the new Animus 2.0 and relives his Italian Renaissance ancestor, Ezio Auditore Da Firenze, Which is out for a quest for revenge and understanding of his families murder.

Is this Assassin a true killer or is he just another Phys co created by the Video game industry.

Lets Find Out!

The story, the story, This is a great story. and plot no doubt. The plot in a nutshell for the entire Assassins Creed franchise is well this:

The story of Assassins Creed 2 however, I can explain Ezio's story.

A noble family known as the Auditore, in the city of Florence(Firenze) has been arrested for treason, and many other countless things all the men were taken and the women were left there. Except the young Ezio which was doing errands at the time.

When Ezio discovers this, he heads to the prison to go find what is going on. When he talks to his father, he says to use his gift (Eagle Vision) and to find a chest and take all the content's of the chest.

Ezio does this and finds a broken gauntlet, a scroll, robes, and a letter. He takes the letter to his father's friend Uberto Alberti. The next day, the same man says that he had not received anything to prove the Auditore family is innocent, and sentenced the family to death. The men were killed by hanging and then Ezio goes to kill Uberto Alberti.

But not without, some help of course from the courtesan's leader Paola and Leonardo Da Vinci. With their help Ezio kills Uberto, run away's from Firenze, and the rest of the plot happens over at Montergionni.

So you get to travel, see all the sights, and kill some people along the way,  I'm fine with that!

The gameplay uses the athletic sport called "Parkour." The french sport where people use everything in their environment to get to the finish line first. This has the player climb tall buildings or get from one side of town to the next in a flash. Add this with the amazing gadgets that you kill people with like the iconic Hidden Blade, Swords, throwing knives, poison, your own fists, or every one's favorite: The Hidden Gun,

The gameplay is fluent and a bit times, jump in the wrong way. But besides that lets move on.

The Artstyle is a real and somewhat believable link between the Italian Renaissance. How Ubisoft did this thing were the artists also became the designers is just amazing. The artists have to draw every brick or little ledge or crack that the player can climb. It is just amazing the amount of detail they put into it.

The music for the game is just great in my opinion, and I know I love the Assassins Creed Franchise, but I just want to point out on this. Just listen to these tracks.

Venice Rooftops


Those are just a few examples from the artist Jesper Kyd, he has a full soundtrack.

Anyway to sum up the soundtrack is just amazing to listen to.

Final Verdict:
Assassins Creed 2 is a great game, heck a great franchise, I would give it a seal of approval (If I had one) To conclude this is a definite recommend, try it out.

Story: 10/10
Gameplay: 9/10
Artstyle: 9/10
Music: 10/10

Final Verdict: 9.5/10

Saturday, April 28, 2012

Kid Icarus: Uprising

Kid Icarus: Uprising is a Rail Shooter/ Third person Shooter which was released on March 22, 2012 in Japan, the 23rd in US and Europe, and the 29th in Australia.

After 25 years in the vault of Nintendo, deep under Japan, Pit is back in action with the goddess of light Palutina to banish the Underworld forces led by the revived Medusa. So does this dusty old angel have what it takes to take on this venture or has the midst of time made his wings feeble? Let's find out!

25 years ago, the Evil Medusa plunged Skyworld into Darkness and Chaos. As the goddess of Light Palutina sends Pit, the head guard in Palutina's grand army to defeat her Commanders and eventually Medusa her self. Of course that was then, this is now where Medusa is back and Palutina brings out Pit and sends him on many different levels of Excitement and Adventure.

On his adventure's he meets allies like Magnus, the most experienced swordsman around, the other gods of Olympis and Dark Pit.

Also (Spoiler Alert) the story dosn't stop there, it stops with 25 levels.

The level is divided into 3 parts, Air battle, Land Battle, and Boss Battle. The air battle is a rail third person shooter where you must dodge enemy attacks, and shoot at the enemies on the screen.

The land battle gives you more control in where Pit can go through the level, and can either fight from afar or go close up and personal and melee the opponent.

To control the game you move with the circle pad, aim with the stylus and shoot with the L button. This can really cramp your hands after a while, but that is what the option to change the controls are for in the options.

You can use a different variety of items, listing them all
  • Blades
  • Staff's
  • Bows
  • Arms
  • Cannon's
  • Orbiters
  • Claws
  • Palm
  • Club's
Don't worry about having the same weapon over and over again. Nintendo put the feature of "Weapon Crafting" where you mix to different weapons and the special perks, and a new weapon comes out with some of the perks on the old weapons.

Kid Icarus is also paired with Nintendo Network, an online service which will be used with the Wii U and future 3Ds games. Meaning that Kid Icarus has multiplayer. I shall come back to that later in the review.

The game also includes 7 AR cards that can be used in-game to battle each other, and a stand for your 3Ds.

The art-style was made by the most famous of Nintendo's studio's Project Sora which was founded by the president of Nintendo Saruto Iwata and a former Hal employee Masahiro Sakurai, the creator of Kirby and the Smash Bros series. The looks of the character's and the levels have high amount of details and the characters are portrayed by anime drawings on the bottom screen.

The Music was composed by
   -Motoi Sakuraba
   -Yuzo Koshiro
   -Masafumi Takada
   -Noriyuki Iwadare
   -Yasunori Mitsuda

When it comes to soundtracks, Nintendo does not screw around. Their hard work is definitely evident in Uprising with many varied original pieces that bring bring back the sense of nostalgia while at the same time sounding new and refreshing. The link below gives a bit of insight towards their work on the game's soundtrack:

The multiplayer has two modes that can be played online. One is free for all and the other mode is Light VS Dark exemplified here:

In the past, Nintendo has not been the premium service when it comes to lag free presentation online (coughBrawlcough). However, in Kid Icarus: Uprising, the gameplay is surprisingly smooth with little to no lag in online matches allowing you to enjoy the intriguing multiplayer to its full extent.

Final Verdict:
Kid Icarus: Uprising is a superb title and is by far one of the greatest 3DS games released so far. Its story along with its presentation compliment the other leaving you with a more than satisfied experience. This is highly recommended to any 3DS owner out there.

Story: 8/10
Gameplay: 7/10
Artstyle: 9/10
Music: 9/10
Multiplayer: 9/10

Final Verdict: 8.5/10