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Thursday, September 6, 2012

Soulcalibur V

Soulcaliber V is the 6th instalment in the series, and includes a all new range of characters and some new one's.

The game includes an improved customiztion mode, new stages, music and other functions.

So would you glady accept this challenge worth buying, or shall you die.

Lets Find Out!

The game starts off with the son of the character Sophia from the previous Soulcalibur called Patroklos. He is on a quest to find his lost sister from the malfested.

Unfortunatly, the story is very bland and the ending in my opnion is very bad, What is even worse is the Arcade mode. This in the old game told the individual stories of the character's. When you finish the Arcade mode, you just end up with a score. No story, no nothing.

The gameplay is once again what you expect from the Soulcalibur series. Two players fight with ridiclous combos and unusal moves. That is no diffrent here, the moves are upgraded and a few new moves like quick step.

Another new addition is Critical Edge, where the players fill up there Soul Gauge so they may use the move. It is like the Critical Finish, but not a one hit KO (Except Nightmare's).

Now let's talk about the customization mode. This mode allows you to edit normal characters or to make new characters. This system was vastly upgraded, compared to its Predecor. This not oly allows you to make new characters but also but stickers, and detailing on some equipment.

The artstyle of the game is bascially the same graphics from SoulCalibur IV but with a little more colour I find. The artstyle takes a turn n the story mode with mostly all of its cutscenes with ink drawn pages. Just like Sonic and the Secret Rings.

The music is composed by Junichi Nakatsuru, Hiroki Kiuta, Inon Zur, Cris Velasco, Jesper Kyd, Andrew Aversa, and Tomoki Miyoshi. The cmposers really did a good job on making the game sound great. The game is filled with epic, crazy, and dark songs to play while fighting.

The Multiplayer is vastly upgraded since SoulCaliber IV. The multiplayer functions include Rivels, which you can track 4 of your friends or "rivals" online. They also add Global Collesso, this is bascially main locations in the world and have giant servers on them where you can compete in tournaments or just have random battles.

The new feature which I found really exciting is the new lobby system, which allows you to chat, watch the macth and see who you might be facing.

Here is a example of the lobby system.

Final Verdict:
Soul Calibur V is on of those games which I can't say much about. You need your own opinion for this game because the two things I like are equal. A Positive and a Negative. The upgraded multiplayer functions are a bonus, but because of the single player content the score fo the game is lacking. Overall, I find the game good at least. If you were a fan of the Soul franchise, try it out.

Score: 6.8

P.S: To all who read this blog. (if there are any) Unfortunatly, this review was a little late I realize, so I opoligize. Second, since I am going into studie at College, there wil be less time for reviewing and more time studying. Final note, the reviews are going to be on the odd ocasion and not two per month.

So I opoligize once more, and give me some games to review, leave the names of them in the comments and I shall get to them.

P.S.S: Since Assassin's Creed 3 is probably one of my anticapated games of all time. I will be reviewing it before Christmas. That is a promise!