Wii Xbox360 3DS

Friday, May 11, 2012

Kirby's Epic Yarn

Kirby's Epic Yarn made it debut on October 14 in Japan, October 17 in North America February 24,2011 in Australia and February 25,2011 in Europe.

When I saw this at E3 2010. I was personally thinking to my self. What the heck is so epic about Yarn.

(Well type it in google, you find something). But I got my self to buy it and surprisingly it is really good. It seems that a side-scrolling game and yarn make a pretty good combo.

So is a game+yarn=great game or do we have to cut some loose threads?

Lets Find Out!

The story is narrated by Sinan Kubba in a kinda childish way. But the story begins in the land of Dreamland, where Kirby is getting a snack to feed his bottomless pit. But as Kirby is about to eat the Tomato he found, the evil wizard Yin Yarn comes out and reveals that the tomato is actually a Momato(whatever that is). This in turn banishes him to Pacth Land  where he meets Prince Fluff. Kirby then ventures of with Prince Fluff, to sticth the world of Pacth Land together.

The gameplay is rather smooth and natural. You basically move with the control pad on the Wii remote and to attack use the 2 button. The difficulty is also practically noting, heck there is no difficulty since you can't die. Through out the level you collect beads, these beads give you your score. IF you die, you don't die, you just lose half of your beads.

Kirby can also transform into many different shapes and forms. Like a car for extra speed, a submarine for underwater travel, and many more.

This game also allows Co-op play where the second player plays as Prince Fluff which is everyway identical to Kirby.

The graphics is just breathtaking as in the yarn. As I read, the graphics are made up of digital photographic pictures of actual Yarn which were placed under Polygons. The developer wanted a real yarn look alike. Now that is pretty hard work.

It's Kirby. There is some good music within it. The composer's for the games soundtrack were Jun Ishikawa and Hirokazu Ando. Creating music that was light and happy. Also, songs that get stuck in your head for about 40 hours.

Final Verdict:
To Sum up, Kirby's Epic Yarn is one of those games were you think you might skip it because of how cute it is. But once you play it, you will love it.


Final Verdict:7.5/10

Wednesday, May 9, 2012

The Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time 3D

The Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time was released in November 21, 1998 on the Nintendo 64. It was acclaimed to be the best reviewed game and the best Videogame ever made. Though that may have changed with Call of Duty, and Halo.

This version of the game was made for the 3Ds and was released on June 19, 2011 with updated graphics and new features.

Is this the remake that got 3DS owners begging, or is it just a guilty pleasure to own.
Lets find out!

This is still the Ocarina of Time that we all remember. If you don't know the story, let me summarize it for you.

The story goes that Link the future hero of Hyrule is living in the Kokeri woods sleeping, the great Deku tree sends Navi to find Link and send him to the great Deku Tree. After Link receives the Medallion from the Great Deku Tree he travels to Hyrule Castle to find Princess Zelda and then he explores the land of Hyrule with Navi. The main villain, Ganondorf then is able to take the power from the Triforce and concurs the Land of Hyrule when Link retrieves the Master Sword from the Temple of Time. Seven years pass, then Link awakens from the Temple and then collects symbols of the six sages to the epic showdown with Ganondorf.

Whew, that's a mouth full.

The game play is the same as it wasin the game of old. A and B button for action and control stick to move.
The Ocarina uses the X,Y,A,L and R buttons instead of using the 4-C and A button on the Nintendo 64.

The touch screen is used to select your items, map, song list and clothing. This is a welcome edition because you can access the Iron boots right away for the dreadful Water Dungeon.

Other features once you beat the game are a Boss Battle mode and the legendary Master Quest.

The Graphics are upgraded in this version of the game. With new textures for the game, and characters. My question is why couldn't they do what Halo: Combat Evolved Anniversary did, which was to allow you to swicth between the graphic style's of the Nintendo 64's version and the new graphics.

The music was never fedeled with, that is a blessing where you can hear all the addicting tunes of the Zelda Universe. Like for example:

Korkri Woods:

In total the music is just fitting for every area.

Final Verdict:
To sum up, this game is pretty much Ocarinia of Time just upgraded graphic wise.
This game is one that:

"If you played Ocarinia of Time, you really don't need to get it."

Story............: 7/10
Gameplay.... : 7/10
Artstyle........: 8/10
Music..........:  9/10

Final Verdict: 8.1/10