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Tuesday, November 27, 2012

Assassin's Creed III

Warning:This review is rated M for Mature, as in for 18 and over. I suggest you turn back and check out other reviews on the sight. Oh, and reader discretion is advised.
Assassin's Creed III is the Fifth instalment in the game series(not counting the portable systems) which was released on October 30th, 2012 on PS3 and Xbox 360 at North America, all other continents on Halloween.

PC Amercian's will get it on November 20, 2012 while everywhere else will get it on the 23rd.

The new Wii U will have the same consequences releasing here in North America on November 18th, and worldwide on November 30th.

Assassin's Creed III starts with Ratonhnhaké:ton (pronounced "Ra-doon-ha-gay-doon") or Connor for short. This time, the game starts of in the Amercian Revolution, meeting historic figures like George Washington, Benjemian Franklin, the other founding fathers, and commanders like Charles Lee. Connor is also equipped with new combat and new animations.

So is this an assassin to remember, or is this a story to be forgotten for good.

Lets Find Out!

The Assassin's Creed story is very famous for its story. The game starts you off as the father of Conner Kenway,  Haythem Kenway. Over in jolly good Britain, at a theatre. You assassinate a target, and then you are sent of to the colinies of North America. You spend a bit of time on a boat. Then you end up in Boston.

To sum up, you dont get to play as Conner, robes and all till Sequence 6. That was a little disapoting BUT, the story is still quite great. The story is very well delivered and using the 5 sequences to deliver the story to make sense for the player.

The Gameplay is diffently improved. First thing you notice is the control's are diffrent. Where to free-run, all you have to do is hold the Right trigger button. The free running has also improved by climbing in tree branches and rock climbing.

Another change in the control's is the counter. You just can't spam it anymore, you have to hit the B or O button. Then the type of kill you make is dependent on the following buttons:

A or X: allows you to disarm the enemy.
X or Square: allows you to kill the enemy with your melle weapon like sword or tomahawk,
Y or Triangle: allows you to kill the enemy with a ranged weapon like a flintock pistol or rope dart.
B or O: Allows you to throw the enemy to other people.

Also, the amount of enemies is VASTLY INCREASED!!. Serousily, this is a major challenge. Enemies come in batlions of 10 and more just happen to come by. Plus the cheap enemies have made a return. Cant counter, cant grab, cant use melee weapons. The only thing that you can use is ranged weapons, and that takes two hits to kill them.

Naval battles are a new addition to the game and in my opnion is a really neat addition. You have to wacth the winds and keep a constant eye out for ships. You can swicth to half sail for more sterring control and full sail which gives more speed but less sterring abilitiy.

Hunting is a big part in this game, in the frontier you just run into these wild animals like dear, elk, rabbits, and foxes, and yes you can sky assisnate a bunny. You may also run into a few predators which automatcially attack you, like packs of Wolf's, bears, and mountion lions. You can sell your loot for money at local shops.

This is mainly the main source for money, unless you like to loot chests around the area's of the game. Plus, you dont get rich anymore by completing missions.

The AI is the same as they were but now they have guns. They can shoot at you, oh no what do you do. You press A and take a person and use them as a human shield.

Just grabes a enemy and use them to deflect Musket Balls.
Multiplayer is also back with a few new perks, a new game mode and also new characters.

Domination is the new game mode, it resembles King of the Hill as a game. Capturing points till the player's team gets the most points. Also while defending the points from enemies.

Some of the new perks include seable invisiblity, invincibilty from ranged weapons for a short time, and poison darts. If you thought Poision darts were annoying, just wait for these.

Art style:
The new engine called AnvilNext is what runs this game and it makes it look awesome. The graphics look a lot more amazing and the surroundings realistic. The engine now allows about 2000 NPCs to be on the screen at once, making the battlefield's much more realistic. Weather systems also are a new addition, and in winter an annoying one.

The graphics are very smooth and speaking about smooth. The character controlls quite the smooth charcter. The movement animations are very, detailed. Conner has more than 5000 animations alone, that is making him really smooth.

The Music is very great composed by Lorne Balfe, the side artist of most songs from movies and games like The Dark Knight Rises, the Assassin's Creed Brotherhood trailer, and Battlefield 2.

The music sounds great, it has diffrent tones to it, some dark, which represents Conner's life. Others wild, to represents the Frontier. Also others acton packed, for the free running and running from legions of enemies.

Final Verdict:
To sum up, Assassin's Creed III is a great purchase. The game comes content pack with a great story, and a multiplayer.
Unfortunatly, in my opinion the game I hate the fact the game is splitted into two diffrent discs. Sure it gives it more room for story and multiplayer. But it was just convient, and easy. "You want to play Multiplayer, well go and insert Disc 2."
But besides that, the games has an interesting flow of gameplay, a great multiplayer, and a lovely story.
Overall Score: 9.5